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How to Collect Event Feedback Effectively (& Free Event Survey Template)

Written by Brittany George | Jul 13, 2023 12:30:00 AM

As an event planner, you understand that the success of your events hinges on the satisfaction and loyalty of attendees. By utilising event feedback, you can not only meet the needs of your clients but also surpass their expectations. Explore the crucial aspects to consider when gathering feedback and take advantage of our complimentary survey feedback template to enhance your event delivery.


Quick link: Your free event feedback survey


1. Define Your Objectives

Before collecting feedback, outline your objectives. What do you hope to achieve? Are you looking to gather insights for future event planning, measure customer satisfaction, or assess the impact of specific event elements? Having a clear understanding of your objectives will help you ask the right questions and collect relevant feedback.

When it comes to choosing the right survey method for collecting event feedback, it's important to consider the unique needs of your audience and the format of your event. There are several options available, each with its own advantages and considerations.

Online surveys
have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ability to reach a larger audience. With online surveys, attendees can provide feedback at their own convenience, eliminating the need for face-to-face interactions. This method is particularly effective for events with a large number of attendees or those with a geographically diverse audience. Additionally, online surveys can be easily distributed through email, social media, or event registration platforms, making it convenient for participants to access and complete them.

On the other hand, in-person interviews offer a more personal and detailed approach to gathering feedback. This method allows event planners to engage in real-time conversations with attendees, providing an opportunity for deeper discussions and a better understanding of their experiences. However, this method may not be feasible for events with a large number of attendees.

Feedback forms
are a versatile method that allows attendees to provide feedback in a structured manner, either online or in-person during your event. They can include a combination of closed-ended questions (such as multiple-choice or rating scale questions) and open-ended questions, providing both quantitative and qualitative data. This method is suitable for events of various sizes and formats, and it offers a balance between convenience and the opportunity for attendees to express their opinions.

Ultimately, the choice of survey method depends on your audience, event format, and objectives. Consider the advantages and considerations of each method and select the one that best aligns with your needs. Whether you opt for online surveys, in-person interviews, or feedback forms, the key is to make the feedback process as convenient and engaging as possible for your attendees.

2. Craft Effective Survey Questions

The success of your event feedback largely depends on the quality of your survey questions. It is essential to create questions that are concise, specific, and easy to understand. By doing so, you will encourage attendees to provide thoughtful and detailed responses, resulting in valuable insights.

To gather a comprehensive view of attendees' opinions, it is recommended to use a combination of closed-ended questions, such as multiple-choice or rating scale questions, and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions allow for quantitative data, providing measurable feedback on various aspects of the event. On the other hand, open-ended questions allow attendees to express their opinions in their own words, providing qualitative data that can offer deeper insights into their experiences. Utilising both types of questions, you can gather a well-rounded understanding of attendee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. The quantitative data from closed-ended questions can help you identify trends and patterns, while the qualitative data from open-ended questions can provide context and specific details.

For example, closed-ended questions can include inquiries about overall satisfaction, specific event elements, or logistical aspects. This data will give you a clear picture of attendees' preferences and areas where you have excelled. Open-ended questions can focus on attendees elaborating on their favourite moments, suggestions for improvement, or any other comments they may have. This will provide you with valuable feedback that can guide your decision-making process and help you enhance future events.

Remember, the quality of your survey questions is crucial in obtaining meaningful feedback. By keeping them concise, specific, and easy to understand, you can encourage attendees to actively participate in the feedback process and provide valuable insights.

3. Offer Incentives

Encouraging attendees to participate in the feedback process is crucial for gathering valuable insights. One effective way to increase response rates and ensure a higher level of engagement is by offering incentives. By providing attendees with incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or entry into a prize draw, you can motivate them to take the time to provide feedback.

When offering incentives, it's important to communicate them clearly to attendees. Include information about the incentives in the invitation to participate in the feedback survey, and remind attendees of the incentives throughout the survey itself. This will ensure that attendees are aware of the rewards they can receive and further motivate them to provide feedback.

Attendees will be more inclined to take the time to provide thoughtful and detailed responses, ultimately providing you with valuable insights that can help improve future events. So don't hesitate to offer discounts, exclusive content, or entry into a prize draw as incentives to encourage attendee participation and make the feedback process even more rewarding for everyone involved.

4. Analyse and Act on Your Feedback

Once you have collected the feedback, it's essential to analyse your data and identify key insights. By carefully examining the responses, you can uncover valuable patterns, trends, and common themes that emerge from their feedback.

First, pay attention to the positive feedback. Identify the aspects of your event that received praise and recognition from attendees. These positive comments can serve as a validation of your efforts and highlight the aspects of your event that resonated well with your audience. Acknowledging and building upon these strengths can help you deliver even better experiences in future events.

Equally important is identifying areas for improvement. Look for any recurring themes or concerns that were raised by multiple attendees. These constructive criticisms can provide valuable insights into the aspects of your event that may have fallen short of expectations. By taking note of these areas, you can make informed decisions and implement necessary changes to enhance future events.

In addition to analysing the feedback, it's essential to consider the context in which it was provided. Take into account the demographics and preferences of your attendees, as well as the specific goals and objectives of your event. By contextualising the feedback, you can gain a deeper understanding of the factors that may have influenced certain responses.

Once you have analysed your feedback, it's time to take action. Use the information gathered to inform your decision-making process and prioritise changes that need to be made. This could involve adjusting event logistics, refining content and speakers, or implementing new strategies to address areas for improvement.

Remember, the purpose of collecting feedback is not only to improve future events but also to measure the success of your current event. By actively seeking feedback and making necessary adjustments, you can create a positive impact on attendee satisfaction, engagement, and overall event experience. The insights gained from analyzing feedback are invaluable in shaping the future of your events and ensuring continued success.


Free Event Survey Template

To kickstart your feedback process, we've created a free event survey template for you to download and tailor to meet your specific event needs. Access below and start gathering valuable insights from your attendees to level up your events.