Venue Software New Features


Venue Product Update 22.23

Posted on 25 May 2022

iVvy Updates


In this Venue Product Update we have updates to Menu Item Selections, greater control over Menu Item Pricing for BEO's, and the ability to Unsubscribe from Individual Subscription Groups. Keep reading to find out what other enhancements we've been working on.  

Updates to Menu Item Selections

When adding a Food Menu to a Session/Function, you will now have the option to select any optional menu items and menu groups, from the Menu tab. If you know your menu selections before entering your menu into your quote/prospect or booking, this will be a great time saver. 

Note: Non-optional items are still automatically added.


In addition, these changes have also been made to the ‘Add’ > ‘Optional Menu Item’ selection box under the ‘Items’ tab so you can dictate whether you would like a Menu Group to display on your documentation such as the BEO.

Please note, this new menu selection feature will only appear when you first add the menu. If you do not know the menu selections of the client, you will add these through the ‘Items’ tab at a later stage as normal. In addition,  if you are looking to add multiple menu items at the same time with the same quantity and/or price, it will still be best to add them in the normal way on the ‘Items’ tab.



Greater control of Menu Item Pricing in BEO’s

We have enhanced the ability to control menu item pricing displayed on BEO’s for ‘Total of Menu Item’ menus. When creating your BEO you will now have the option  to display the following:

  • Show Prices: This will display prices on menus (totals), beverage (total), resources and products
  • Show Menu Item Pricing: If yes, will display menu item pricing for ‘Total of Menu Item’ menus
Note: With a menu setup as Total of Menu Items, the food menu items previously would not load the price automatically on the item. We have made an update so item pricing will pull through so you no longer need to edit each item and add the price. With this update you now control the item price with this new setting to display Yes or No, on the BEO.


Ability to Set Booking Engine/Marketplace  Tasks to "Unassigned"

Previously, if an enquiry came from the Marketplace or a Booking Engine, the task was assigned to the Super User of the account as there is no user who is the “Creator of Opportunity/Booking/Quote/Prospect”. We have made an update so tasks from the Marketplace and Booking Engine will be changed from "Super User" to "Unassigned".



Ability to Unsubscribe from Individual Subscription Groups

Previously, if a recipient of a marketing email opted to unsubscribe from your iVvy mailing list, this would set their Email Status to "Unsubscribed", preventing all emails from being sent. 

Now a recipient will be given the option to unsubscribe from all, or just particular Subscription Groups. 

The recipient will only be able to see Subscription Groups that are flagged as public in iVvy.
Please be aware that the names and groups you have public are now visible for customers should they unsubscribe. Please ensure you update the names and settings accordingly.   

To view what Subscription Groups you have public, navigate to Global Settings > Contacts and Companies > Subscription Groups.




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