

Venue Product Update - January 2022

Posted on 3 February 2022

iVvy Updates


Check out this month's enhancements to iVvy software and what it means for your venue.

January is coming to an end and we're excited to tell you what we've been working on in our venues software. Check out this month's enhancements to our multi session / function editor, session and function status, and much more.

New Feature - Multi Session / Function Editor


Our new Multi-Booking Session/Function Editor allows users to quickly detail and edit multiple sessions/ functions across all bookings for a particular day without navigating to different pages. Please note that this feature is currently in Beta.

To use the bulk editor; please follow the below path:

Venue -> Bookings -> Sessions/Functions (Beta).

To learn more click here or watch the video below to see the feature in action. 











New Feature - Session / Function Status


Introducing our latest addition: Session/Function Statuses, designed to streamline your event planning workflow with maximum efficiency. These customisable statuses empower you to optimise this new feature to its fullest potential. These Statuses can soon be used by the forecasting reports to determine whether a session has enough detail to properly calculate revenue or if the Average Check for that Event Type should be used instead.


To learn more about using this new feature click here or watch the feature in action below.



New Feature - Add Menu Headings and Selection Criteria with New Menu Enhancement


When creating a Menu in iVvy you will now have the ability to create a Menu Group. A Menu Group serves as a heading to a group of items, for example, Entrée, Main Course, Dessert etc. When creating Menu Groups you can also add selection criteria of the minimum or maximum items to select. This Menu Group will also display as a heading for items on your BEO which has been a highly requested feature.


Watch the video below to see the feature in action.



New Shortcut - Recreate Your BEO From The Session List


Re-create your BEOs faster with our new shortcut. When working in a detailed booking you can now re-create your BEOs from the Session/Function tab of your booking. Simply select your Session/ Functions and use our new ‘Recreate’ button, saving you valuable time. The new version of your BEO will be under the Documents > BEO’s tab ready for you to preview. 

To watch this feature in action click here


Enhancement - See More Information About Important Dates On The Function Diary


Important Dates is a fantastic feature of the iVvy system that enables your team to see important dates in their diary. We have enhanced Important Dates by adding the option of a Tool Tip. This allows managers to provide more information regarding the Important Date which can be seen when hovering over the date on the diary, giving you and your team greater clarity.   

To learn more about using this feature click here or click here to watch the feature in action. 


Enhancement - Room Hire Plans


We have made some usability enhancements to Per Person Room Hire Plans. If you are not familiar with this existing feature, the system will calculate the room hire based on how many attendees you have for your event. If you would like to learn more, watch the video below click here to watch this feature in action


Enhancement - New Tax Option Available


We now support more tax options for locales that use a per-person or per-occupancy flat charge tax. Please contact your Trainer or Support for more information if this is of interest to you.

iVvy Pay - banner image


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