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Sales and Catering Software Trends for 2019

Posted on 16 March 2019

Industry Insight


Explore the upcoming trends in sales and catering software and technology expected to make a big impact in 2019.


2019 has been positioned as a promising year for the hospitality industry — specifically, the groups and meeting segment. Global meeting activity is projected to grow over 1.3%, while attendees, meeting length and budget allocation are also expected to increase. Planners expect the estimated cost per attendee, excluding air costs, to be between $1,200 and $1,700 depending on the meeting type. Further, we can expect to see a 2.4% increase in the average hotel average daily rate.

This expected momentum brings with it an exciting revenue opportunity for hotels, while also inspiring the widespread adoption of next-generation venue management software to better streamline the group booking process. With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the latest sales and catering software trends that will dominate in 2019.

1. Online Booking Capabilities and Block Bookings

While a fast and efficient online booking process has long since been established for transient business, the appropriate software (with robust capabilities) for group booking has seemingly lagged. Not only that, but the demand for group reservations has notably outsourced the supply, often overwhelming properties with higher-rated transient demand — or an outdated, legacy venue management approach that negatively impacted RFP response.

With the implementation of next-generation digital group booking software, planners and hoteliers can finally maximise a system that showcases real-time availability, with instant booking and online payment options. This creates an efficient booking process that not only earns global visibility for a venue (and can help yield space and attract last minute reservations) but empowers a self-service element that speeds up the booking timeline.

Especially exciting is the sales and catering software feature we’ve all been waiting for — block bookings. With new technology, planners can finally book blocks of rooms at once (rather than individual bookings). This new feature will save modern planners time, and minimise frustration while securing group reservations.


2. RFP Management

iVvy_Icon-90There’s a famous saying — “Run the day or the day runs you.” In many ways, this same logic applies to RFP management. Without the appropriate technology in place to effectively sort, prioritise and manage incoming RFPs, hotel sales teams are essentially stuck within a perpetual (and ultimately non-profitable) game of catch-up.

With the help of next-generation venue management software, hotels can reduce RFP response times from hours to minutes with instant quotes and automated processes. More importantly, by giving planners instant access to live availability and extensive property details via an easy to navigate online portal, an influx of unqualified RFPs becomes a concern of the past.


3. Personalisation Technology

iVvy_Icon-54Modern guests crave a highly personalised experience. The ‘status quo’ of events has become anything but standard — rather, the rule has become the curation of decidedly unique or share-worthy experiences.

With this in mind, it becomes increasingly important to implement sales and catering software that makes it easy for hotels to cater to planners’ need for customisable options. Finally, hotels can intuitively suggest particular room types, food and beverage packages, upgrade options, extended packages and rates to prospective planners, improving the guest experience. With menus, packages and accommodation rate plans curated within the platform, adjustments and customisations based on specific group needs become easy (and more importantly, quick) to implement.


4. Virtual Tours and VR


With hotel sales and catering software, event planners interested in a hotel's venue space can take advantage of the immersive experience offered by virtual tours. These cutting-edge technologies allow planners to visualise and explore every corner of a venue without the need to physically visit the property.

With 3D virtual tours, planners can navigate through event spaces, guest rooms, and amenities with incredible detail and realism. They can inspect the layout, decor, and ambiance of different areas, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how the venue can meet their specific event requirements.


5. A Seamless Experience

iVvy_Icon-85Millennials especially crave a seamless transition between physical and virtual experiences. By this, we mean that technology is equally important as the provision of high-touch, personalised and face-to-face service, depending on the touch-point.


As next-generation venue management technology helps to offset much of the timely administrative tasks associated with the group booking process, sales teams are finally empowered to offer a higher level of service. This creates a seamless and efficient online experience and a highly personalised and attentive offline experience with hotel sales teams. Modern planners can establish a more hands-on and positive relationship with venues, supporting their ability to curate unique event experiences.

The Future of Sales and Catering Software


Embracing the cutting-edge features of sales and catering software, from online booking capabilities to personalised technology, has the power to revolutionise your business operations. By leveraging these advancements, hotels can streamline processes, boost revenue, and create unforgettable experiences for their guests. As we step into this era of innovation, it's important to stay at the forefront of technological changes and adapt in order to stand out among your competitors.


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