It's time for a product update. This time we've made enhancements to our Tab Titles, customisation of Contact and Company Fields, notes for companies and so much more. Keep reading to find out all about our latest enhancements.
New Tab Titles - Same Great Features!
As a user of iVvy we want you to be able to easily differentiate between your tabs of iVvy. Therefore we have made some small updates to make this easier for you. Please find the updates listed below:
- The ‘Contacts’ Tab will now be called ‘CRM’
- If you are inside a Quote or Booking, the tab tile will read [Quote/Booking Name- Quote/Bookings]
- If you are inside a Session/Function, the tab tile will read [Session/ Function Name- Quote/Booking Name- Quote/Booking]
Watch this feature in action below.
Enhanced Customisation of Contact & Companies Fields
Currently the system dictates the mandatory fields for our system Contact and Company fields. We have now made an update to allow more flexibility in this space, so you can dictate the fields you want mandatory to keep your CRM clean and consistent across your teams.
In addition we have also enhanced custom fields so you can add your own tool tips, dictate the sort order you want for your team and the ability to make a custom field ‘inactive’ vs deleting.
Watch this feature in action below.
Upload Your Rooming List Into An Accommodation Block
We are so thrilled to announce you can now upload your accommodation rooming list (csv file) into iVvy under the Reservations tab. This is a fantastic new feature for those customers integrated with their PMS as this will send the reservations from iVvy straight into the PMS.
This page also contains a log of previous imports for that booking, along with a % completion and status. Errors can be exported, corrected and then easily re-uploaded.
Click here to learn more about the feature or watch this it in action below.
Enhancements to Notes for Companies
We have made an enhancement that when loading a note into the system for the Top Parent Company you will now have the ability to apply this note to all companies/ departments linked to the parent company.
Enhanced Task Visibility
Users are now able to view tasks which are associated with a Company and a Contact, from the Contacts Tasks page also.
Ability to Download Your E-Contracts as a PDF Once Signed
Once an E-document has been signed, you will now be able to download this document with the signatures displayed.
Note On The Next Release
We have received feedback that the Notes tab in a session can be overwhelming as it lists the notes for the entire booking. We will soon be making a change to only display notes within a session that are associated with that session (e.g. menu, resource). So please don’t be alarmed if your notes seemingly go missing; they are still accessible at a booking level.