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Essential Time Management Tips for Busy Event Planners

Written by Brittany George | Jul 23, 2024 12:30:00 AM

Event planners - running out of time in the day? Look no further. We've got the time management tips to save you hours.


If you're an event planner, you know how crucial time management is. With so many tasks to juggle and tight deadlines, it can be overwhelming to keep everything on track. But don't worry. We're here to help you out with some essential time management tips that will make your job so much easier. 


We've got some great strategies that will help you estimate the duration of tasks, break down complex tasks into smaller, achievable steps, and handle interruptions like a pro. By following these tips, you'll be able to boost your productivity, reduce stress, and ensure that events are managed seamlessly. 


Know How to Be Realistic 


Underestimating how long tasks will take is common, especially if they’re new or customised for a client's preference. This may cause disappointment and frustration when things don't go as planned and can throw off your schedule, causing a trickle-down effect on event clients.


To be more realistic with your time, estimate the time required to complete a task and then add 20% to that number. This will give you a buffer in case things take longer than expected. Breaking larger tasks into smaller parts can help you better estimate the time each task will take and prevent you from getting overwhelmed. Include break time in your schedule.


Manage Your Distractions (There Will Be Distractions)


When necessary, don't hesitate to activate the "do not disturb" feature on your digital devices, silencing or preventing any alerts from appearing. This will also limit any noise, so you don't have to hear any notifications and have curiosity get the better of you.  Your digital calendar can also help minimise distractions. Block off specific times when you can focus on tasks to complete without answering emails or chat messages and let your team know about your "focus time". Informing them in advance will allow them to avoid interrupting your workflow.


Distractions aren’t always outside influences either. Make a note of time-wasting activities, and keep track of any self-imposed interruptions to manage your time better. Minimise self-disruptions by turning off your phone, finding a quiet place to work, and avoiding music, podcasts, or TV.


Say ‘No’ When You Need To 


Effective time management is not about saying "yes" to everything and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion to get everything done in a day. It is about understanding your limitations and knowing when to refuse. We've all been in situations where we have taken on more than we can handle, paving the way for stress and anxiety. However, overcommitting can be particularly harmful for event planners during busy event periods.


To handle this season successfully, event planners must become experts in prioritising tasks. This often means saying a polite but firm "no" to non-essential tasks or requests that could detract from other important tasks. 



Allocate Time for the Unexpected


Planning a special event will always come with unexpected challenges, such as venue or transport conditions, budgeting and finance issues, room changes, or tech issues. To avoid potential inconvenience, allocate time in your event-day schedule to deal with any last-minute problems that may arise.


It's also important to be fully prepared for unexpected mishaps. This includes making sure you have enough staff available and on-call to support attendees and your team, particularly if it's an in-person event. Additionally, it's essential to make time for AV and tech testing, including projectors, printers, and any other necessary equipment. 


Avoid Multitasking


Many people believe multitasking is an effective way to accomplish more tasks in less time. However, according to research, this notion is far from the truth - multitasking can actually lower productivity by 40%


When people try to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, they're unable to focus on any one task exclusively. Instead, they continuously switch attention from one task to another, which results in a significant decrease in productivity. Since focus is divided among several tasks, none are executed to the best of one's ability. The result? Longer work completion times, and poorer work quality. The lesson? Stick to one task at a time. Better yet, using event management software can provide a unified platform to get all event tasks checked off and maintained in an orderly manner. 


Time Management Techniques for Event Planners


Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique, where work is divided into intervals known as Pomodoros. Each interval lasts for 25 minutes, followed by a brief five-minute rest. After completing four Pomodoros, a longer break is permitted for a more substantial mental reset. This cycle repeats throughout the day and is designed for you to maintain focus for longer periods.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a strategic framework for sorting tasks based on their level of urgency and importance. It involves categorising your tasks into four quadrants—urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This helps you distinguish between tasks that require immediate attention and those that can be saved for later. This prioritisation technique helps you to improve focus and prevents being overwhelmed by less critical tasks.


Time Blocking


Time blocking is a method of scheduling where you allocate specific blocks of time to individual or groups of tasks. This approach assigns a specific "appointment" for each task, enabling you to focus attention on one task at a time. It's an effective way to avoid the pitfalls of multitasking and ensures that high-priority tasks get the concentration and effort they deserve. By visually mapping out how your day or week looks with these blocks, you can more clearly view your time and how you're spending it, promoting a more organised and deliberate approach to task management.


Putting Time Management Techniques to the Test


Incorporating time management techniques can make a huge difference in your career as an event planner. By estimating tasks realistically, breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones, and managing interruptions effectively, you can not only manage events but also create experiences with precision and grace. For added impact, pair your time management techniques with event templates and event management software to increase efficiency and reduce the time spent on manual administration.

Keep in mind every event is unique and has its own story. How you manage your time will shape the plot of that story. Use these insights to guide you through your workload, and watch as your efficiency and event outcomes improve dramatically.