data to improve guest experience blog


How Hotel Sales Software Data Can Improve the Guest Experience

Posted on 31 January 2023

Venue Management


Find out how hotel sales software helps hoteliers boost profits, cut costs, and enhance guest satisfaction, making their business more efficient.

Hotels are always looking for ways to improve guest experiences, including within their meeting and event spaces. To do this, the first step is to understand exactly what’s happening throughout the venue - this is where data comes in. According to a survey conducted by Hospitality Technology, 91% of hoteliers say that guest experience data is essential to establish and maintain a competitive advantage.  Data accumulated from hotel sales software allows them to determine what guests like and don't like and helps in making decisions that will improve guest satisfaction.


Read on to explore how important data is for venues and some of the different ways it can be used to improve the guest experience.

The Link Between Hotel Sales Software Data and Your Guest Experience


Hotel sales software data plays a crucial role in shaping a memorable guest experience. According to a study by Oracle, nearly 80% of venue operators say that data has made a big difference in how they serve customers. By understanding what’s working and where there’s room for improvement, hotels can make smarter decisions that directly benefit their guests.

Plus, by keeping an eye on trends and anticipating future needs, hotels can stay ahead of the curve and consistently deliver experiences that guests love. Simply put, using hotel sales software data effectively helps create those moments that keep guests coming back.


Ways to Capture Data from Your Hotel Sales Software

Surveys CRM System Real-Time Feedback Sales and Booking Reports

Surveys are a simple yet powerful tool for gaining insights into your guests' experiences. By using your hotel sales software to send out well-timed surveys, you can gather honest feedback that helps you understand what you’re doing right and where there’s room for improvement. You can do this after a guest has checked out, and in the cases of venue bookings, after the event has taken place

These surveys don’t have to be long—sometimes, just a few targeted questions can reveal a lot. When guests see their opinions are being actively sought and considered, it reinforces their connection to your hotel, making them feel like their comfort and satisfaction truly matter.

One of the best ways to enhance the guest experience in your hotel is by understanding and responding to individual guest preferences. Your hotel sales software can quietly capture and store details like room choices, dining habits, and even little extras they enjoy.

With this data at your fingertips, you can effortlessly personalise their stay on future visits. Imagine welcoming them back with the same room they loved last time or offering their favourite wine at dinner. These thoughtful touches make guests feel special and more likely to return.


Gathering guest feedback in real-time can be a game-changer for your hotel. With your sales software, you can set up automatic surveys or post-stay reviews that reach guests while their experience is fresh.


This approach helps you quickly address any concerns and shows guests that you genuinely care about their stay. When guests see that their feedback leads to immediate improvements, it leaves a lasting positive impression, making them feel heard and valued.

Understanding booking patterns and sales trends through your hotel sales software can provide valuable insights into guest behaviour. By analysing this data, you can fine-tune your room availability, pricing, and special offers to better align with what your guests are looking for. This means you're not just guessing what they might want—you’re making informed decisions that enhance their overall experience.


Whether it’s offering a last-minute deal for venue bookings or ensuring popular room types are available during peak times, these small adjustments can significantly boost guest satisfaction.


Data to Improve Your Hotel Guest Experience


Collecting data has become an important part of the hospitality industry. Hotels are increasingly turning to technology to track and monitor customer behaviour, preferences, and feedback to better understand how to improve their guests’ experience. 


Demographic information: This includes age, gender, nationality, etc. By collecting this data about guests, hotels can better tailor their services and amenities to suit the needs of each guest—from special dietary requirements for food options in the restaurant to customised room amenities such as providing hypoallergenic products or temperature-controlled rooms.


Behavioural data: This includes information on a guest's booking patterns, checkout times, and room usage habits. By analysing this data, hotels can make educated decisions on items such as pricing strategies or optimal check-in times. Additionally, it can help inform staff training initiatives or help identify areas where additional resources might be needed. 


Real-time analytics: This includes data on a guests’ actions within the hotel itself—whether it be checking out nearby attractions or ordering food directly from their hotel room. This allows hotels to further customise the guest experience by offering relevant marketing offers or promotions at just the right time. 

Why Your Hotel Data Matters


By collecting and analysing different types of data points, venues can create tailored experiences that go beyond just offering comfortable rooms and good service — they’re able to create unique personalised experiences that meet even the highest expectations of today’s discerning travellers. Data is incredibly important for understanding what's working and what's not at your hotel. So if you're not already utilising the data in your hotel sales software, now is the time to start. Your guests will thank you for it.


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