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January - Events Service Announcements

Posted on 7 February 2022

iVvy Updates



Find out what's new with iVvy event management software and what it means for you.

Enhancement - Enhanced Overview of Registered Events for a Contact


iVvy has made improvements so that you have a better overview of Events attended and registered by your Contacts. When reviewing a Contact in your CRM you will now be able to see past attended events as well as future event registrations. This simple change allows you full transparency of attendance information for a Contact.


Watch the video below to see the feature in action.



Enhancement - Secondary Emails for Contacts


When sending a Marketing email or Notification email in iVvy you will now have the ability to add a Secondary Contact to receive the email as well. A contact can have up to 10 secondary emails. Simply edit a Contact to add secondary emails. This is useful when a contact might have an EA responsible for managing their event registrations.


Check out the video below for a firsthand look at how this feature works.



Enhancement - Add Session Information to Delegate Calendars


When creating a Notification Email for your event you now have a new placeholder available so that a delegate can add Sessions to their calendar vs just the overall Event. To utilise this new placeholder simply navigate to your Event > Event Setup > Notification Emails > Edit Email > Add Placeholder- Session Calendar Generation Link from the drop-down placeholder options. 


View the video below to take a look at this feature in action.



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