Choosing a hybrid event platform for your needs


How to Choose the Right Hybrid Event Platform for Your Needs

Posted on 24 November 2022

Event Planning


As technology progresses and the world becomes more connected, more and more event managers are being tasked with delivering hybrid events. A hybrid event is an event that combines in-person and virtual attendees, and it's not as simple as just streaming your event online. Knowing how to choose the right hybrid event platform requires significant amounts of planning, preparation, and training. 


There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the right hybrid event platform, and we're here to help. Keep reading to learn more about how to pick the right platform for your needs. 


Define your event goals


When selecting a hybrid event platform, you first need to decide what your goals are for the event. Are you looking to reach a larger audience? Increase engagement? Drive ticket sales?


Once you know what your goals are, you can start narrowing down your options. Below, we've outlined a few key factors to keep in mind while you're searching for the perfect hybrid event platform.

Ease of use


One of the most important things to consider when choosing a hybrid event platform is how easy it is to use—not just for you, but for your attendees as well. You'll want to choose a platform that's user-friendly and easy to navigate so that your attendees have a positive experience from start to finish. Organise a demonstration with all of your shortlisted hybrid event platforms to test their usability. Keep in mind that throughout your entire event, attendees should be able to easily log in, navigate through the program, connect with fellow attendees, and request assistance. 




Another thing to keep in mind is compatibility. You'll want to make sure that the platform you choose works well with the other software and systems you're using for your event.  Integrations are essential for getting the most out of your hybrid event platform, so look for software that is compatible with other solutions, including marketing automation, payment systems, and customer relationship management. This will make set-up and execution much smoother and will help avoid any potential hiccups on the event day.


choosing the right hybrid event platform



When evaluating different hybrid event platforms, take a close look at the features each one offers. What kind of functionality does each platform have? Does it have all the features you need to execute your vision? If not, can those features be added on or built out? Identifying which features are most important to you will help narrow down your search.  


When it comes to hybrid event platforms, there are a lot of features to consider when making your selection. Particular features to look for can include:

-The ability to create and manage events from a single platform

-A customisable event interface that allows you to design an event that fits your specific needs

-The ability to streamline registration and check-in processes with online tools

-An intuitive event management system that is easy to learn and use

-Flexible payment options that allow you to accept payments from attendees in a variety of ways

-A support team that is available 24/7 to help you with any problems or questions you may have


When considering a hybrid event platform, it's important to look at the engagement features it offers. Most platforms offer a variety of ways for attendees to get involved, from voting and polling to social media sharing and commenting. It's important to choose a platform that offers the features your attendees will want and need. For example, if you're hosting a corporate event, you'll likely want a platform that includes polling and voting features. If you're hosting a conference, you'll want a platform with social media sharing and commenting features.


In addition to these features, you'll also want to consider the hybrid event platform's scalability. Some platforms are designed for small events with fewer than 100 attendees, while others can accommodate thousands of attendees. It's important to choose a platform that can accommodate the number of attendees you're expecting.




Of course, cost is always a factor when choosing any type of software or system for your business. When it comes to hybrid event platforms, there are a variety of pricing models available, so be sure to evaluate each one carefully before making a decision. Most platforms charge a monthly or annual subscription fee, though some may also charge per-attendee fees. It's important to choose a platform that fits within your budget. You'll also want to consider whether or not the features that are offered justify the cost of the platform. Before you start shopping around, set yourself a budget. Be sure to evaluate all of the costs involved in your hybrid event platform selection, including licensing fees, support contracts, and any updates/upgrades.




One key consideration when choosing a hybrid event platform is security. Make to ask the platform provider about their security measures and how they protect your data. Hybrid event platforms have become a popular choice for events due to their ability to combine the best of both online and offline worlds. However, it's important to make sure that your chosen platform is secure and can handle the necessary load for your event.


There's no one-size-fits-all answer to choosing a hybrid event platform. The best platform for your needs will depend on several factors, including your budget, goals, and desired features. However, by keeping the above factors in mind, you can be sure to find a platform that ticks all the boxes.


Find out more


Discover what the Founder of Endless Events, & event industry influencer, Will Curran believes the future of events is all about in our blog, the Future of Events; Why We Can’t Go Back.


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