iVvy Blog

How to Choose the Right Event Management Software

Written by Brittany George | Nov 24, 2022 12:30:00 AM

Choosing the right event management software can feel like a daunting task. With so many options on the market, it’s hard to know where to start. But don’t worry, we’re here to make the process simpler. Whether you’re hosting large conferences or intimate gatherings, the right software can make a world of difference in how smoothly your events run.

We've broken down the key features to look for and how they can help you streamline your event planning, saving time and ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

Choosing Event Management Software: From Shortlisting to Selection

Understand Your Event Needs

Before you even start researching specific software options, it’s important to clearly outline what you need for your event. Not all event management software is created equally, and understanding your unique requirements will help you avoid investing in a tool that doesn’t quite fit.

What type of events do you typically plan?

Are you handling large corporate conferences, intimate weddings, or casual networking events? Each event type may require different functionalities. For instance, a corporate event might need strong reporting and analytics tools to measure ROI, while a social event may focus more on creating a smooth guest experience.

How many attendees typically attend your events?

Event size is a major consideration when choosing the right events software. Some platforms work best for small events, offering straightforward attendee management and ticketing, while others are designed to handle thousands of registrants, providing more robust features for larger audiences.


What’s your budget?

Event management software ranges from free, basic versions to enterprise-level tools. It’s important to have a clear budget in mind and determine what level of investment you’re comfortable with. You might find that more affordable options still meet all your needs, or that it’s worth paying a bit extra for features that save time and reduce manual work.

What tasks do you want to automate?

Think about your event planning process and where the bottlenecks occur. Is it handling registrations, managing attendee communications, or sending out invoices? Identifying areas where automation can save time will help you prioritise certain event software features.

Events Software: Key Features to Look For

While event management software varies greatly in terms of capabilities, there are several core features that almost every planner will benefit from. Prioritising these key features ensures you cover the basics and get the most out of your events software.

Event Registration and Ticketing

A smooth, intuitive registration system is non-negotiable. Look for events software that offers editable templates, and allows you to customise registration forms, offer multiple ticket types (if applicable), and make the process as easy as possible for attendees. Bonus points if it integrates with popular payment gateways to streamline ticket purchases.

Attendee Management

Managing attendees can quickly become overwhelming, especially for larger events. Software with robust attendee management features will allow you to easily track who has registered, their preferences, and any special requirements (dietary needs, accessibility accommodations, etc.). It should also allow you to easily communicate important updates and reminders as the event approaches.

Event Promotion

Marketing your event is crucial, and some event management software offer integrated promotion features. Whether through email marketing, social media integration, or a custom event landing page, the ability to promote your event from the same platform can save time and ensure all your marketing efforts are aligned.

On-site Check-In

When event day arrives, a quick and efficient check-in process is vital. Some events software like iVvy offers mobile apps or kiosks that allow attendees to check in using QR codes, speeding up the process and reducing the need for long queues. Badge printing and guest list management can also make the day-of operations smoother.

Reporting and Analytics

After the event is over, understanding its success is critical for future planning. Look for event management software that offers detailed reporting on metrics such as registration numbers, revenue from ticket sales, attendee engagement, and post-event surveys. This data can help you make better decisions for your next event.


Ease of Use and Integrations

No matter how feature-packed your events software is, if it’s hard to use, it won’t be worth your investment. Usability is a huge factor to consider, especially if you or your team aren’t particularly tech-savvy.

User-Friendly Interface

Your chosen platform should be intuitive, with a clean interface that makes navigating between tasks easy. Event planning is already complex—your software shouldn’t add to that stress. Consider looking at user reviews or asking for a demo to get a feel for the platform’s usability.

Responsive Customer Support

Even with a user-friendly tool, you might still run into challenges, which is where good customer support comes in. Make sure the software provider offers support channels that work for you, whether that’s email, phone, live chat, or even dedicated account managers.

Integration with Existing Tools

Chances are, you’re already using other tools to manage various aspects of your events or business. The best event management software will integrate smoothly with these tools, whether it’s your CRM, email marketing platform, or accounting system. This helps you avoid manual data entry and keeps all your information centralised.

Customisation and Flexibility

Event planning is rarely a one-size-fits-all operation, so the software you choose should offer customisation options that meet your needs.

Branding Options

For many events, keeping your branding consistent across all touchpoints is essential. Look for events software that allows you to customise registration pages, event websites, documents like BEOs, and communications with your logo, colors, and overall branding style. This helps create a cohesive experience for attendees and reinforces your brand identity.

Custom Workflows

Some events require more complex processes, such as approvals, stakeholder coordination, or multi-stage planning. If you’re managing larger or more intricate events, you’ll want software that allows you to create custom workflows and processes tailored to your needs.

Adjustable Reporting Dashboards

Every event planner has different priorities when it comes to metrics and reporting. Choose events software that lets you adjust and filter data dashboards to highlight the numbers that matter most to you, whether it’s ticket sales, attendee engagement, or revenue.


Support and Training

Even with the most intuitive events software, getting the most out of it often requires support and training.

Training Resources

Many software providers offer robust training materials, from video tutorials to in-depth guides. Make sure these resources are available and easy to access, especially if you’re new to using event management software.

Customer Support

Responsive customer service is a key factor to consider, particularly during the onboarding process. Some companies like iVvy offer personalised onboarding sessions, ongoing support through a dedicated account manager, and 24/7 support whenever needed. Evaluate the level of customer support included in your pricing tier to ensure it meets your expectations.

The Right Event Software Choice for Your Needs

Selecting the right event management software is about finding a tool that fits your unique needs and helps streamline your event planning process. By identifying your priorities, comparing key features, and considering usability, customisation, and support, you can confidently choose software that grows with you and helps ensure every event you plan is a success.